Yes, there is war in the world, political unrest, an upending of the Twitterverse, and even bad weather. But isn't there also peace, hope and happiness somewhere in your circle? And what would happen if you purposely focused on that, even for 10 minutes today? What would happen to your feelings, body language and stress levels?

Being 'Positive' doesn't mean ignoring the messes in the world. It means helping you and yours find a balanced life to share and cherish, even for a fleeting moment.

This is the time of year to be grateful, thankful, and thoughtful. Give to your neighbours, family and friends but also to yourself. Coach yourself, train yourself, forgive yourself. Take time to slow down time. Enjoy the little moments. Watch some holiday shows, meet with people you love, share the love too. We at NCCA Canada are grateful to have you as members and readers, and want to wish you all a very happy and prosperous new year in 2023. Take steps to achieve your personal and professional success. If we can help, let us know. Best of luck!

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